prayer for paris

Prayer For Paris

Beloved, I'm sure by now you would have heard about the senseless attacks in Paris that left over more than 100 people dead and many others critically injured.

Paris is a beautiful city that I've visited twice in the past few years and I'm sure I will go there again one of these days. I have a couple of friends there and when I received the news about the attacks, I immediately reached out to them to make sure they are okay.

One of them didn't reply immediately and I was so worried about her. I wrote a prayer to cover her as well as my other friends and the people of Paris with Jesus' blood. A few hours later, she wrote back to tell me that she was asleep. She and her boyfriend heard many sirens throughout the night but they had no clue what happened until I told her about it (They were traveling in Paris, taking in the sights and sounds and had no time for social media)… Praise The Lord!

God is good and I know He hears our prayers. I'm going to share with you the prayer I prayed… Feel free to forward it to your friends and loved ones. As President Obama said, an attack on Paris is also an attack on humanity as a whole. Let's not take for granted the peace that we enjoy. Let's look to Lord Jesus for our protection, peace, healing and restoration. Let's keep Paris and the rest of the world in our prayers:

​”Father we plead the blood of ‪Jesus‬ & the ‪‎peace‬ and ‪‎protection‬ you promised in ‪‎Psalm91‬ over the people of ‪Paris‬…

Father may you watch over our friends and families over there and keep everyone safe and sound.

Lord, please provide comfort to those who've lost loved ones in this senseless attacks.

Lord, we need you now more than we ever need you…

Thank you Daddy God for hearing our ‪‎prayers‬… In Jesus' mighty name we pray…”

Type AMEN (In the comments below)

To Your Success,
Yee Shun-Jian
Founder and Chief Happiness Officer,

Published by

Yee Shun-Jian

Yee Shun-Jian's mission is to bring more LOVE, HOPE and JOY to the world. He's giving away a life-changing eBook called "101 Powerful Affirmations" which you can Download for FREE Here.