Trust The Lord He Has Something Better For You

Beloved, God Has Something Better For You!

I'm writing to you from fabulous Las Vegas AKA “Sin City”, where I've been staying for the past 4 weeks.

I just want to share with you a quick story of how our amazing Lord brings together people who are in need of healing to comfort each other in His name.

A week ago, I met this lady at Caesars' palace. I saw her standing by herself and I just felt prompted to go talk to her. Now this is not something I would usually do because I'm actually pretty shy by nature (approaching a stranger of the opposite sex is pretty scary, ya?).

We talked for about 15 minutes and she was sharing with me about her business and then all of a sudden she revealed that it was actually her husband's business and that he had passed away unexpectedly because of cancer and the business and 2 children were all that he left her with.

I instinctively gave her a hug to console her. She held me tightly. I said “You needed that, don't you?

You have no idea…” she said.

Are you a Christian?” I asked.

Yes…” she replied.

Can I pray for you?” I asked.

Yes please… I'd appreciate that very much…” she replied.

So I prayed a prayer of restoration over her and her children. I told her that death was not God's will. When Jesus walked on Earth, He went about healing the sick and resurrecting the dead. I told her to trust in God and His restoration and that God has something better in store for her. She started crying and I asked if she was okay.

That was when she told me that she had been praying to God for an angel to come give her some sort of encouragement… to give her the strength to carry on… to give her a hug… to pray for her… to let her know that everything was going to be okay. I was amazed when I heard this. She also asked why I ended up coming over to talk to her in the first place. I told her “Honestly I don't know… I saw you and I was actually hesitating whether to come over to talk to you because this is something I usually don't do… but I just felt this prompting to do so and I followed it

Since she was so open with me, I started confiding in her as well. “I understand how you feel…” I told her.

Almost exactly 1 year ago, I got out of a relationship that wasn't healthy for me. In April this year, I found out that she got married. And now I heard that she has given birth to a baby. All this in the span of just 12 months! Truth be told, I'm pretty affected by it. I know this doesn't even come close in comparison to what you went through but I just want you to know that God is good and He is a God of restoration and I believe that He has something better for you and me…

Amen!” she replied and hugged me tightly while we bade each other farewell.

Now, I'm not sure how long you've been subscribed to my email newsletter but if you've been around for a while, you'd realize that almost every week or every fortnight since the beginning of this year, I've been sending you prayers or a Godly message of encouragement/faith. Today, I just want to be really honest with you:

I actually wrote all those prayers/messages for myself as I had been going through a super difficult time. I fell into major depression after the breakup with my ex-girlfriend (This is the first time I'm revealing this publicly) and I needed some way of coping. Delving into God's word every single day helped me. At some point, I realized that the prayers/messages of encouragement I wrote for myself might just help bring strength/faith/love/hope/joy to someone else and so I decided to share them with my email subscriber base of over 130,000 people from all over the world (YOU).

I'm so amazed by all your comments and your email replies on how my prayers/messages were exactly what you needed. I give Lord Jesus all the Glory for this!

I truly believe in Romans 8:28 where it says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.

I don't believe that pain/sickness/death comes from the Lord. I believe they come from the devil but I know that God will use whatever the devil tries to attack us with and turn it around for good.

If I didn't go through the depression and the pain from my breakup, I would probably not be able to relate to the lady who had to cope with the pain of losing her husband. I would probably not have written all the prayers/messages of encouragement and faith that I've been sending you too.

Everything happens for a reason.

My email subscriber base exploded after every major setback/trial I faced (near-bankruptcy, breakup etc.). I asked The Lord once why that was the case. His reply: “You are now ready to shepherd more of my people…” When I got the revelation I was like “Wow… Praise The Lord!

I am single right now but I'm happier than I've ever been. I know God has something better for me and I know God has something better for you too, beloved. I'm standing in faith for myself and for you as well to receive the restoration in any and all areas of life that you need from Him.

If you believe that God has something better for you and you're ready to receive your restoration in Jesus' mighty name…

Type AMEN (In the comments below) Now

To Your Success,
Yee Shun-Jian
Founder and Chief Happiness Officer,

P.S. I trust this message has blessed you. If you know anyone else who might benefit from receiving my message today, please share this blog post (via the facebook share button) with them now. God bless you =)

Published by

Yee Shun-Jian

Yee Shun-Jian's mission is to bring more LOVE, HOPE and JOY to the world. He's giving away a life-changing eBook called "101 Powerful Affirmations" which you can Download for FREE Here.